Thursday, January 15, 2009


When I heard about the 175 mil pound move for Kaka, I started writing this post. I actually started writing this post 10 times and each time I kept coming back to a blank page. Finally, I came up with this.

I have no words.

Anyone who can describe their true feelings regarding this on pen and paper, be my guest. Cos I got nothing.

PS : I should probably start a "I have no words" series.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Long Weekend

The EPL took a week long break to accommodate the oldest competition in football - The FA Cup. I didn't mind the FA Cup weekend as there was still football on TV unlike the international weekends, where you hardly get any football on TV.

If you notice, I had mentioned "didn't mind" the FA Cup weekends. Till last year, there were atleast 3 or 4 matches on a Saturday and 2 matches on a Sunday for all to see. So you hardly missed the lack of the EPL, since you still got to see some football. But this weekend, the first weekend of the FA Cup for the big teams(3rd round), there was ONE match shown on Friday, ONE on Saturday and ONE on Sunday.

What has the public done to deserve such a sparse weekend of football on TV? Has the importance of the FA Cup - "The oldest competition in football" - hit rock bottom that the media doesn't care about how many matches they are showing? Or has the credit crunch hit them too, that they cannot afford it?(I don't believe that)

Thank goodness for La Liga, I still got some football this weekend.